Σάββατο 24 Οκτωβρίου 2020

From Cephalonia to Romania and then to Ethiopia: the story of the most trusted person of Haile Selassie

 (Excerpt from the book ‘The Greeks in the Horn of Africa’)

 Iacovos Zervos came from a trade family of Cephalonia, which had moved to Sulina of Romania in the mid-19th century. Zervos was born in Sulina, and later moved to Athens for medical studies. He arrived in Ethiopia in the early 1930s. He was hired as a doctor by Haile Selassie and soon he was appointed as a consul, by the Greek Foreign Ministry. Zervos became the most trusted person of the emperor. In 1953 he was honoured with the greatest distinction by the emperor, as he was proclaimed bitwoded (beloved), a title given only to members of the imperial family.